Muddy faced, barefoot, scrappy hair, 6 days into living wild on an uninhabited island in Scandinavia. This is me, in my element!
Hi, I’m Amanda. Adventurer and Guinness world record breaking Ocean Rower.
As well as exploring my own potential through adventure, I love helping companies and individuals discover the key to unlocking their peak performance and overcome professional and personal challenges through public speaking, workshops, consultancy and 121 coaching.
Exploring what’s possible is my passion.
Sharing stories and planting seeds of inspiration is my mission. And kindness is my ethos.
Learn more about what I do, or scroll down to read blogs and stories.
As featured in
Adventure Revolution
Grab a copy to find out more about my story (and many others!) & why we should all be choosing to add more adventure into our lives!
It’s been a pleasure to be a part of the creation of this book.
“A powerful reminder that adventure truly is a state of mind” -- Bear Grylls
”A great and inspiring read with the potential to change the way you live. Empowering reading” -- Helen Skelton
”A landmark book with a groundbreaking and powerful message. It's also a fantastic read packed with thrilling, moving, & inspiring stories. I certainly recommend it!” -- Chris Ryan
“Jaw-dropping true stories from Bristol’s record-breaking Pacific rower Amanda Challans on the radio today”

Speaking and Media
Challenge the norms. Spark radical change. Vision the Impossible.
Amanda’s down to earth approach and gripping storytelling prompts a new way of thinking and creates a catalyst for inspiration and action.
“Amanda’s passionate storytelling is incredible”
“Most brave woman I met! Amanda Challans, rowing for ten days alone from Djurgården, Stockholm to Åbo, Finland”
“Sincere, genuine, mind-blowing experiences told in a
very relatable way!”
Having emerged from the security of my idyllic morning shortcut, this afternoon’s stretch is a wide channel following the west coast of the long narrow island of Yxlan. This will be more exposed than any section before.